Michael Jerome Stewart

 2011.06.29. 18:14

Michael Jerome Stewart (1958, Brooklyn, New York – September 28, 1983) was an African American graffiti artist and vandal who received recognition after his death following an arrest by New York City Transit Police for spray-painting graffiti on a subway station wall.[1] His treatment while in police custody and the ensuing trials of the arresting officers (all of whom were acquitted) sparked debate concerning police brutality and the responsibilities of arresting officials in handling suspects. The saga was a widely publicized episode in New York City's history of police brutality cases.

Word of the arrest came out on September 15, 1983, as the Committee Against Racially Motivated Police Violence was holding a news conference to publicize a Congressional hearing into complaints of police abuse. Stewart had been arrested earlier that day. He died at age 25, on September 28, after 13 days in a coma. The cause of death was listed as cardiac arrest.

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